Monday 7 May 2012

All the lost things

After looking at my Creative project and the pieces I have made for it I spend the other half of my time collecting and cataloguing.  From pictures that I take and storing them in folders to video clips of places I visit.  I capture elements often overlooked and play them back listening for the small things.  When I first visited Tyneham my thoughts turned to the army presence there and how I could incorporate this into my work as an artist.

Worbarrow Tout

This view from Warbarrow Bay shows the targets on the hill, I originally thought they were targets for the tanks but later found out they are markers to show the tanks the way back.  I thought I could aim big and use the hill for a sculptural piece, somehow using light and shining it out to sea when the tanks weren't firing......but I'll see what happens.

I have been looking at the work of Michele Whiting who works in specific geographical sites.

She says:

'I work in an investigative way, pursuing the subject of the work at different levels; this often leads me to work across media, although my primary medium tends towards moving image. My interests stem from living and working in a rural environment and my current research began in 2005 with the intention of investigating how and in what ways specific geographic site can be utilised as subject in moving image installation. My aim has been to achieve this through a synthesis of differing research strands, which would encompass moving image installation and theoretical, contextual and technical investigations. Within my practice, I use my lens as a broad language of gesture, which maps, color, form and movement as a way to reveal perceptual change, a phenomenological attempt at deconstructing the experience of place, not to show mimetically or critically the distribution of things in space but how experience of place may be reclaimed as encounter by the viewer.'

I have also been looking at:
Quinn Latimer
Angus Lysaczenko - Diminishing Returns
Ava Merjian
Kathe Kollwitz
John Makepeace

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