Wednesday 16 May 2012

Lost in ownership

I'm thinking alot about loss and loneliness and dealing with things alone.  My collection of work last year from the library was a strong piece and collecting is in my bones now.  The ideas are there - it's just sometimes I have too many.....I feel a need for refinement in my work.

I came across this box in a sale and it was mainly full of rubbish, but amongst the old pieces of rag were personal items like this letter dated 1959.  I started to think about what sort of person owned the items.  Someone collected them and stored them for years probably thinking one day they would become useful again.

I laid the items out, thinking about the worthlessness of some of them.  Scraps kept for no real purpose.  This box is an insight into someone's life, useful once, but not any more.  It is the discarded that I want to record, the notion that one day they may come in handy.  One day until death and the objects change ownership.

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