Thursday 17 May 2012


Still looking at my collection of things and the idea of not being able to let go, I was knocked off my bicycle a number of years ago and have all the documentation from the resulting court case including evidence that I bought from the police before it was destroyed.

As I commute to university I see a number of accidents and was also involved in one in January, this bought back memories of my original accident in 2002.

I now see police tape as that reminder, marking the scene that leads to a wreckage, injury and sometimes death.  After a few weeks I see objects that have been embedded into trees or the ground.  Fragments of vehicles that I collect and keep.

I asked my brother to keep an eye out for a car bonnet that had been involved in an accident after a few weeks he found one.  I used this and the original witness statement from my accident, using a projector to copy the text.


Putting it in the project space at Dartmouth Avenue something wasn't quite right about it and after discussion, I decided to rework the piece taking off most of the text.

Removing the text

Collecting items

The scene of an accident


Fence remains

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