Wednesday 16 May 2012

Lost in silence

I visited Tyneham village a number of times after the night firing, sometimes just to sit in quiet reflection.  One day when I was sat sketching I placed my camera on the grass in the churchyard leaving it to record.
When I played it back I noticed the dew drops on blades of grass, the wind was really strong, blowing leaves across the ground.....but the small dew drops held on.

It was like a metaphor for all those villagers who held on but eventually had to leave Tyneham.

I overlaid the sound of the nightfiring and the video of the churchyard.  I think for me it brings about a poignancy of things that are out of our control.  We cannot replace what is lost but we can try to come to terms with it.  The sound of the wind is extremely strong and I will have to work to try to remove it from the original footage.

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