Monday 9 April 2012

What we remember, what we forget.....

It has now been ten days since the exhibition started.  I've had the private view and visited inbetween.  Looking back it seems like such a long time ago now and most of the pieces are still intact after so long.  Just like when I first visited Tyneham, the mist clung to the valley, but the weather was much worse.  Cold and windy, with drizzly rain blowing across from the hills.

When the time came to take everything down it was like saying goodbye to an old friend.  I know that I'll be back one day, but I will look on Tyneham through different eyes, as a visitor once again.

The damp penetrates and changes, ink runs like tears and life goes on...

'For Him'
I like that things have been moved, that the wind folds and changes what I set out to do.

'No Welcome Home'
Edges folded as once more shoes walk the floor

Memories never fade if a story is retold....

'Yesterday's Paper'

Propped against the wall but not yesterday's news.

Clay pieces from Toil that turned back to dust.

Missing or broken pieces; a peg, a key, the Surrender flag pole snapped and some very wet paper, although the wax did a good job.

The best part was reading all the comments in the visitor book. Knowing that people enjoyed the exhibition and quietly understood what I was trying to achieve made all the late nights worth it..........

.....and Emma, thank you for the stories that took me down Dorset's narrow roads, to a place I can't forget and memories I'll treasure always.....keep planting the seeds that make people grow.

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