Tuesday 16 November 2010

Lost in Background

Deciding the colour so that everything is clear

Category: Everything

 Category: White

 Category: Colour

Category: Text

Monday 15 November 2010

Lost in Exquisite Corpse

We were all very hands on for Tom's morning session slot which kept us all entertained


What we drew

 Chinese whispers on paper

 Laying out the pictures

 How it started........

 How it finished....

Thursday 11 November 2010

Lost in collecting

It all began in March when I started to collect things I found in books where I work........

 I love the gap left

 A small piece of paper - a large gap

Revealed words....................

All the things I found in a week......

Holding the pages.......

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Lost in Identity

Original Lino prints - 'Identity in five shades of blue'

Somerset Identity
Original lino print